Friday, November 7, 2008

Well, I'm done with work. I'm very happy about this. But that happiness is overshadowed by the time of year that this is. I don't know exactly how to describe what I feel one year later. I'm sad, but have hope. I miss Dave terribly and cannot quite comprehend how time has passed so quickly yet so slowly at the same time. I think about things that will never be and about a voice I will never hear again on this earth. I wonder will I wake up sometimes and this will all have been a bad dream, but I know I won't. Even this does not fully describe how I am feeling even closely. I'm leaving for Austin in the morning to spend a few days with friends and then am on to New Orleans to be with my sister for Thanksgiving. Hopefully, since I'm am again unemployed I will be able to devote a little more time to the internet :) I can't wait to see my family out in California next weekend. I'm so looking forward to that. That's all for now. Know that I am thinking of all of you as I know you are thinking of me tomorrow.