Saturday, May 31, 2008

Picture from Washington D. C.

Dinner with the girls

Marine Corp Evening Parade--Friday Night

Chester XIII at the Marine Corp Evening Parade

Concert on the National Mall--Sunday Night

Me & Liz

The amphitheater at Arlington- Memorial Day 2008

President Bush's speech

In the distance, looking at Dave's grave

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I made it back

I am back in Texas. I had a wonderful weekend with my friends in D.C. Liz and I were talking and we have never felt so proud of our husbands and what they did for their country. I know that if Dave were here now, he would do exactly what he did. I have now doubts about that. The plane rides were uneventful except for the movie selections......The Bucket List and P.S. I Love You. If you don't know what I mean, rent them you will quickly. The hotel was nice, we stayed at the double tree crystal city (although I wouldn't stay there again). They were ill equipped to handle a party of that size. On Thursday I just got in and I met the girls. Liz and I went to Arlington to see Dave and Christian. We forgot tissue, so we ended up raiding the ladies bathroom for toilet paper to take with us. Of course, we cried, which was actually kind of good because it moistened the toilet paper which made it easier to wipe off the bird I cleaned off the grass clippings from Dave's headstone (because that is what he has been complaining about for the past 7 months). The grass has filled in nicely and everything was absolutely emmaculate. The area where he is is off the beaten path a bit, so it is quiet without so much traffic. Another good thing because we all know that Dave didn't like to draw attention to himself. I love that man!! Okay, so on Friday we spent all day in seminars which were funny, sad, angry, and every other emotion in between. I haven't cried or laughed so much since Dave died. I also realize that while sometimes I feel crazy, it's okay because you know what everybody else is too. :) Friday night we went to the Marine Corp Evening Parade. (it wasn't a parade) Actually it was the commandants band and also the rifle squads (I don't know what to call them) It was awesome!!!! We had a police escort to and from the event (I felt so important). Saturday was more of the same as Friday's seminars. I was starting to miss the dogs a bit by this time. As soon as I thought of them in walk these two gorgeous retrievers. The therapy dogs which I completely took advantage of. It was great. I've decided I'm going to train my dogs to be therapy dogs and I could volunteer to take them different places. I know this may take a while, but I think it is doable. Bella is making great progress and Leah is so passive. I think it will be good for me also. Saturday night we skipped the big fancy dinner and opted for dinner with each other. To get together and talk seemed so natural. I missed that as soon as I left D.C. Sunday was the end of the seminar (which was way too soon). I got alot out of it. Hopefully, I will be able to apply some of it in my life. Sunday night we went to the Concert on the National Mall. Which was nice. Then Monday morning we got up and went to Arlington for the Memorial Day Celebrations. It was so hot (85) . Every other day it was just perfect in temperature. We got there at 8 am and it started around 11am. White marble soaks up heat by the way. We heard the president make his speech and then soon after that we were leaving again. Liz drove home soon after that and I went to see Dave again for a little while. I went back to the hotel and took a nap because I was sooooo exhausted. We got together for dinner that night and breakfast in the morning before I left to come home. I am so impressed with this whole TAPS program. It is in so many different areas of the country, if you have the chance to go, do it. It is for anyone who has lost a loved one. They split you up at times into different groups....spouses with kids, spouses without kids, parents, grandparents, siblings, is really great to talk with others feeling the same way you do at times. Also I guess even though this experience should have killed me, I realize now that it didn't and I can go on as others have before me. Anyways, plans for the future include definitely attending another one of these (especially next year), running the Army 10-miler in D.C. in October in memory of Dave (since he was soooo in to P.T. ---Army people will laugh at that) ( I started training for it yesterday :) -more to come on that later ), and train the dogs to be therapy dogs. I also really liked the D.C. area, it might be a place I need to try and live. Alright, I guess that is enough for now. I will try and get some pics up later today.
Love you guys.....have a great day!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's been a while

Well, I know it has been a while since I last wrote. I went thru Dave's birthday and had a pretty hard time with that. I'm a little anxious about this coming weekend and the TAPS seminar in DC I already know that it will be quite emotional. At least I will have friends there to lean on if I need it. I'm really excited about seeing the other girls. On Dave's birthday we went out and had a nice dinner and then celebrated a little with a small cake that I bought. On Saturday, I volunteered at the medical tent during the annual Beach to Bay Relay Marathon. We were going to actually do it this year, but unforeseen things came up. It was good and I got volunteer hours for it. That afternoon I hung out at the lake with some friends and it was a beautiful, hot Texas day. Bella and Leah were doing much better. Leah still is. Bella however had bloody diarrhea today. We were back at the vet this afternoon and he diagnosed her with hookworms. Where those came from I have not a clue, but they are there. So now they are also both being treated for those for the next 5 days. At least it happened the day before I was supposed to leave for DC. Mom and Dad are going to have a lot of fun medicating my little hypochondriacs for the next 5 days. Well, I leave tomorrow at 8am. I'll have pics when I get back. I chopped my hair off on Friday so you all will get to see that. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We are officially sick

I took Leah to the vet this afternoon. She is still sick with diarrhea and vomiting. Bella vomited again today and is starting to have diarrhea. UGGH! I think they are as bad as kids. Maybe not quite as expensive though. Leah got an IV for dehydration. And Bella is not going to training class tomorrow. I'm still going to go because as I continue on in this endeavor to have a well mannered dog, I have found that it is mostly my fault that she is the way she is and not anything to do with her temperament or personality. Anyways, we are NPO (nothing to eat) tonite or tomorrow and are on pepcid and Maalox twice a day. Plus Leah is on antibiotics now. Hopefully, we will be feeling better by tomorrow. I just noticed that I write like we are all connected together and we feel each others pain. Huh, just another observation. I love my pups.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This is obviously the week of dog ailments. Now Leah is sick with diarrhea. She had an accident in the trailer last night. Now this morning she won't eat. Bella seems to be doing fine now. Hopefully, it will pass quickly. Yoga and swimming is on the schedule for today.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pool Day

Yesterday, I went to Kath's and had a pool day. It was very nice. I needed the sun. I still need the sun. I thought Kath would go blind by my legs. :) Got home around 9:30pm at night and went to bed. My Bella got up around 12:30am and started throwing up. She threw up 7 times. We can't figure out if she was just sick or got into something. I was really worried last night because she was pretty listless and breathing shallow until about 3am. Then you could tell she started breathing better and I was finally able to go to sleep, even though it was not very restful. I slept thru church this morning. When I got up we took mom out for lunch for mother's day. Bella, Leah, and I took a nap when we came home from lunch. I had Greek mousaka that was very good! Other than that no more plans for tonite. I'm ready to go to D.C. in 1 1/2 weeks. I wish it were tomorrow.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good Day

Yesterday, we went to San Antonio to take care of some business and go to the Ft. Sam PX (nice). You know I find it funny the things that don't really bother me much anymore. For example, as we were driving up we passed a bicyclist on the road (of course he was way over on the shoulder) but my dad has this thing with people biking on the road. Even here in town he never fails to mention it on Sunday when we pass the club training for the race over the harbor bridge. Sure they take up one entire lane, which can be irritating. But this no longer seems to bother me. It must be my Italian experience with bikers kicking in. Anyways, just something I noticed. We went to dinner with a friend of mine in SA. It was really nice. I have not been having the best last couple of days. Just been kind of down. That definitely brought up my spirits. This morning mom and I walked along the bayfront. We saw 2 dolphins in the bay, that was pretty cool. I haven't seen that in a long time. The water was sooo smooth. No wind, I guess that means it's going to be HOT. Well, I'm off to lunch with some nurse friends at Joe's Crab Shack.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Spa Day

Got up this morning and walked with mom for 1 hour. This afternoon I went to the spa for my massage that I got as a gift for my anniversary from a friend. I definitely waited way to long to do this! The smallest most petite girl there walked in to give me my 1 1/2 hour sweddish deep tissue massage. I kinda thought yea right......well, I was wrong! Oh my goodness!!!!!!! I left there and I honestly felt sooooo relaxed I could barely drive. I just wanted to lay down and melt. It's been like 5 hours now since I had it and I still feel the same way. I scheduled facials for mom and I on Monday 10am. We can't wait. I've decided to that this is going to be a monthly relaxation for me. I so needed this! Thank you!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Squirrel

Mom and I braved the mall today. It wasn't as bad as I thought and we got our walking done in air conditioning. This is important because it was 95 degrees yesterday and close to it today. Not to mention the humidity right now is insane. I woke up this morning and there were puddles on the top of the hot tub and the grass was so wet. I thought it had rained last night, but then mom said no, it is just the dew. I had forgotten about how wet it gets here from that only. I got some cute jeans, a new pair of shoes, and the perfume I've been looking all over for. Oh yea, I went to claires and got a few necklaces. I was really missing our little shop in Venice when I was in there! Mom had to go to Walgreens because coffee was on sale. There are limits on how much you can buy, so we both went in with coupons and got some and we also hit another Walgreens. I don't know about anyone else but coffee here is $12-15 a tub right now. I'm sure that is blamed on gas prices as well. The pups got a new toy and I videoed them playing with it. I didn't think Leah would be that interested, but she had a grand time with it too. Nick and Dad were away at a chess tournament today. Nick got 8th place out of 14 kids his age. I uploaded some of the girls having fun :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Dutch Blitz Smiles :)

So, I'm applying for a job. I have forgotten how difficult this was when your resume is not up to date. Ugh! I'm not planning on working until maybe August, but with a travel agency you can apply anytime and be on the list. It's easier when you are ready to go. I've been reminiscing in my head today about some of the great times we had in Italy. Sandy wrote me and reminded me of the Dutch Blitz games. I remember how intimidating it was when you had to sit between Nayda and Jaime. And the thwap, thwap, thwap as KK would turn her cards (like she had been practicing for speed). Survivor Nights! That was good. I needed a good smile and that provided it today. I miss my girls! Well, that is enough procrastinating for now. I have to do some more info finding :)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Well, I got alot accomplished today. Many things on my list has been crossed off, finally! Maybe, tomorrow it all will be ( I wish). Bella had her 4th class today and did wonderfully. I can't say how proud I am enough. She is learning the come command. Or to put it better I am learning how to give it correctly. The teacher was very impressed. I was shocked because this is probably one of the things that she has the most trouble with. I can sit on the couch eating a hamburger and say "come" usually and she won't. But today as we walked down the odoriferous cat food aisle at petsmart I said her name, she turned and looked at me and came as I walked backwards like she has been doing it forever. I wish I could take more pictures, but being back down to one it is hard to be involved in the class and do that at the same time. We saw a Maximus today at the store and I was reminded of you Rach. I miss you! We got cable TV yesterday and I am busy catching up on all the crap I haven't seen in the last 5 years, since I had cable last. Needless to say there is nothing on now just like it was then :) You have to love a company that can sell you nothing and charge a premium for and make you believe you need it. Anyways, I'm off to watch TV.