Sunday, August 24, 2008

Me being rescued out of the mud (it was like quicksand)

Exploring the Athabascan Glacier, Columbia Icefields

crevase on the Athabascan Glacier---scary

The Saffleur Falls

above the Saffleur Falls

the gorge by the Saffleur Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

this is where we were camping on the Kootney Plains

more hiking pictures

view of Lake Abraham--it looks tropical

small waterfall on our hike

magic Kootney wood fires

Okay so, I'm not doing so well with the whole working and blogging thing. My days and nights are all messed up. I sleep till noon and then am up all night. Luckily I have decided that when I'm up at night I will go to the other house and paint trim, since there is so much to do. We put up crown molding in one of the rooms and are actually almost done with two rooms. I'll try and get pictures up tomorrow and later this week. Other, than that I eat and sleep. :) Oh yea and run too, made 6 miles today. Feeling pretty good about the 10 miles on Oct 5th. My knee was bothering me last week and I was a little concerned, but I bought new shoes and it's feeling much much better. Thank goodness. Alright, I'm off to watch some HGTV and take a shower. I also put a few more Canada pictures up this is where we were camping, the Kootney Plains. Also we did alot of day trips from there. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Work, Eat, Sleep, Eat, Work.......This is my schedule right now. I slept until 4pm today. Now I'm getting ready to go back to work. Off Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping to start putting up crown molding in one of the bedrooms and I need to go buy some french doors. I was very disappointed on the whole door thing. I went to a custom shop and actually found some great doors and a fairly reasonable price. The problem is most doors built at custom shops are new build doors and they are bigger than the ones from the 60's or so. So to have them fit into the existing spaces (which I cannot change due to structural stuff that I definitely do not want to do at this point) would be CRAZY expensive!!!! So I'm settling on prehung doors from the home depot that are cheaper, but easier to put in and will already fit. I guess in the future if this is where I'm going to stay forever I can always put the other ones in........they were very pretty! Anyways, that is my plan for the beginning of this week. Also gonna go by my friends flip house tomorrow to get some ideas maybe. Till next time.........

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's been a few days

Okay, I know it's been a few days since I've blogged. Here is what is going on. I started work this week and have been at orientation every day for like 4 hours. It would have been nice to go one day and that was it, but that is not how it worked out. I start my regular night shift tonite on my own. I feel like I'll be okay on the floor. It is definitely fast paced, but not terrible (so far). Then also we started renovations on the house. (my mom and dad's that I am buying). We close next Tuesday or so I am told that is when they want their money....hehehe! I have pull all of the existing shelving out of the closets and the walls in the back 2 bedrooms. Dad and I textured the walls in my old room and we are deciding what to do with the other one at the moment. In the guest bathroom I have taken most of the fixtures down and am at a standstill there until I get the bedrooms done. My old room looks out on the patio, so I have decided to put in french doors to that room and also replace the doors that go out to the patio from the den. That is my job today. To decide on which doors I want to put in. I've been to Home Depot and Lowes. I haven't fell in love with anything yet (and of course price matters). So I'm off to door shop today. Then to the gym and work. Tomorrow I have off so I will sleep in the morning and do house stuff in the afternoon, evening. Being a homeowner really makes one busy, huh? Bella and Leah are doing fine.....sleeping as usual. Other than that the family is just on the same schedule it always is. Nick is a little concerned how me working is going to affect him. He seems to thing that everything has to be scheduled around his activities. He is quite funny, even though he is not trying to be. Alright, I'm off to make small decisions that cost a lot of money.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to Work

So I have spent the morning in orientation with 6 other travel nurses. I forgot what a bad attitude some of them have. They so think they are getting taken advantage of by the hospital and the full time staff. Honestly, I've never felt that way anywhere I've been a contract nurse. It is really sad that people are that way, it brings you down man! Anyways, the way I see it, I'm getting paid more than any nurse there at the hospital and if that means I am pulled from floor to floor then that makes sense to me. Anyways, I have to go back to enjoy the rest of my orientation this afternoon and then tomorrow again. Hopefully, there will have been some attitude adjustments by then (it's a good thing I don't have to work with most of these people, just today)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

7 Days of Absolute Relaxation--Houseboating on the Shushwaps

The Houseboat crew

Partying with the neighbors

Me watersking

Sunset on the Shushwap

Black Bears on the beach

Alba Falls hike


Looking for a prince?

Romance in the Hottub.....Carol Anne & Lyn

Our responsible captain!

Jay and Marlo

Shivers on the slide

Swimming in the Shushwap

Getting organized and ready to leave

Our Houseboat....Amigo's Only!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Arrival, Vancouver, Ft. Langley pics

shopping in Ft. Langley, B.C. 19 July

The gardens at Stanley Park

Me and the redwood, Stanley Park

At the Aquarium gift shop 18 July
Aaron & Devon.....goofs!

Totems near Stanley Park 18 July

View of Vancouver downtown 18 July

Carol Anne and I at Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C. 18 July

Landing in Seattle, WA 17 July

Mt. Reiner, from the plan 17 July

I'm home again

Well, I made it back to TX on August 6th. My trip to Canada was AWESOME! I wasn't quite ready to come home from the Rocky Mountains. So beautiful Yesterday I just relaxed and tied up some loose ends before my new job starts on Monday. Today, I'm back at running and starting to work on the house renovations/painting. There is alot to do. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed. Anyways, I'm going to start posting pictures on the blog it may take a few days because I took like 300! So here goes.....