Thursday, July 10, 2008

Running Update

Got up late this morning 9:30am (I'm suprised the dogs let me sleep in, that is not like them). Ran around and did some errands. I had to by dog food which has become considerable more expensive since the mama dog now has ailments. She is doing perfectly fine though and loves her new wet food diet. I ran out of Bella food this morning, so she got wet food also. She was so excited! She sit there while you are making Leah's food and looks at you longingly. She is such a drama queen. Anyways, I finished working on my sewing chest yesterday. All except the final coat of tongue oil. I went to run today.......4mile in 44 minutes. I probably could have run 5 but just didn't feel like it. 5 tomorrow!!!! I had to go to the gym out on the base because it is just too hot to run outside. The humidity is like 100% right now....uuugghhh! I was actually suprised that I was able to get a treadmill. I went at like 11:15am and thought that it might be hard because of the lunch crowd. Actually, there was hardly anyone in the gym. That's the NAVY for you though. I guess they swim....hehehe. Just kidding to all you Navy folk. Alright, going to a Hooks game with the family tonite. We have seats behing the pitcher--8th row. My dad's friend gave them to us (they are his company tickets) so we have been told to behave ourselves. Us not behave ourselves......nahhhh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doings soo good on the running! I am soo proud of you! It was great talking to you the other day!! Miss ya bunches and bunches of oats!!
