Sunday, August 17, 2008

Work, Eat, Sleep, Eat, Work.......This is my schedule right now. I slept until 4pm today. Now I'm getting ready to go back to work. Off Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping to start putting up crown molding in one of the bedrooms and I need to go buy some french doors. I was very disappointed on the whole door thing. I went to a custom shop and actually found some great doors and a fairly reasonable price. The problem is most doors built at custom shops are new build doors and they are bigger than the ones from the 60's or so. So to have them fit into the existing spaces (which I cannot change due to structural stuff that I definitely do not want to do at this point) would be CRAZY expensive!!!! So I'm settling on prehung doors from the home depot that are cheaper, but easier to put in and will already fit. I guess in the future if this is where I'm going to stay forever I can always put the other ones in........they were very pretty! Anyways, that is my plan for the beginning of this week. Also gonna go by my friends flip house tomorrow to get some ideas maybe. Till next time.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the crazy schedule I have. AGH!! My body doesn't know what to do...12 hr shifts and keep flip flopping...days, mids,mids,days....WAAHHH!!!! Funny, the custom doors were too large. Hmm, guess they really aren't a custom store??!! Heheh

love ya!