Sunday, August 24, 2008

Me being rescued out of the mud (it was like quicksand)

Exploring the Athabascan Glacier, Columbia Icefields

crevase on the Athabascan Glacier---scary

The Saffleur Falls

above the Saffleur Falls

the gorge by the Saffleur Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

this is where we were camping on the Kootney Plains

more hiking pictures

view of Lake Abraham--it looks tropical

small waterfall on our hike

magic Kootney wood fires

Okay so, I'm not doing so well with the whole working and blogging thing. My days and nights are all messed up. I sleep till noon and then am up all night. Luckily I have decided that when I'm up at night I will go to the other house and paint trim, since there is so much to do. We put up crown molding in one of the rooms and are actually almost done with two rooms. I'll try and get pictures up tomorrow and later this week. Other, than that I eat and sleep. :) Oh yea and run too, made 6 miles today. Feeling pretty good about the 10 miles on Oct 5th. My knee was bothering me last week and I was a little concerned, but I bought new shoes and it's feeling much much better. Thank goodness. Alright, I'm off to watch some HGTV and take a shower. I also put a few more Canada pictures up this is where we were camping, the Kootney Plains. Also we did alot of day trips from there. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful up there!!