Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Busy Days

I tell you what....I have been busier than in my entire life. Everything seems so scheduled to me right now. I am always doing something or should be doing something from sun up till sun down. Oh well....I'm just venting a little. I have been keeping up with the Iditarod. Go Laura.....she is running 67th (that's great I think for a rookie). Today have been long. I was up at 7am (I know some of you are laughing at me because that is not early, but it is for me). Out of the house for appointments on the base at 8:30am. Then we just ran errands all day. We are trying to get ready for the trip to AZ. Doing all the odds and ends so there is nothing to think about when we are there except enjoying family. We went to Cancun (Mexican restaurant) tonite and totally blew watching what we ate......but man was it good. Mexican Food and a Jumbo Margarita.....now that is TX living. I just got out of the hot tub. It's actually supposed to get quite cold the next few days. Hi's in the 60's. I've been going thru old pictures of Dave in Ft Campbell. Trying to organize and things and get more permanent copies of things burned to disk. I never realized that he really liked to wear a mustache. Go figure. He grew one in Romania this summer and I told him that it better be gone by the time he got back. But I truly think he liked having one. The things you learn. Anyways, I'm back to organizing pictures. My goal is a book a day and I should have everything scanned onto the computer and organized in a week. Alright, that's all for now. Till tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad you're keeping busy! I am totally jealous about the good Mexican and the jumbo Margherita!!
Miss and love ya!

Sandy Berry said...

Ohhhhh...Mexican and margarita, thanks for the torture Rach. Loving you too!